Harley Mind Care

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Harley Mind care Psychiatrists
Understanding Psychosis

Psychosis is a condition that affects the mind, resulting in a loss of contact with reality. It can manifest through hallucinations, delusions, and impaired thinking. At Harley Mind Care, we aim to provide detailed information and effective support for managing psychosis.

Common Symptoms of Psychosis

Symptoms of psychosis can include:

Recognising these symptoms early is crucial for effective treatment.

Causes of Psychosis

Psychosis can be caused by various factors, including:

Mental Illness

Conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

Substance Use

Drugs and alcohol can trigger psychotic episodes.

Medical Conditions

Brain injuries, infections, or diseases.

Medical Conditions

Severe stress or traumatic events.


Family history of psychotic disorders.

Understanding the root causes helps in developing an effective treatment plan.

Types of Psychotic Disorders

Psychosis can occur in various forms, such as:


Characterized by persistent psychosis and cognitive impairment.

Schizoaffective Disorder

Combination of mood disorder and psychotic symptoms.

Brief Psychotic Disorder

Short-term psychosis, often in response to stress.

Delusional Disorder

Dominated by delusions without other major symptoms.

Substance-Induced Psychosis

Triggered by drug or alcohol use.

Impact of Psychosis on Daily Life

Psychosis can significantly affect daily life, including:

Recognising these impacts is vital for seeking timely help and improving quality of life.

Diagnosis and Assessment

At Harley Mind Care, our diagnostic approach includes:

Clinical Interviews

Detailed discussions about symptoms and history.

Psychiatric Evaluations

To rule out underlying medical conditions.

Medical Tests

Comprehensive mental health assessments.

This thorough approach ensures a tailored treatment plan for each individual.

Treatment Options for Psychosis

Effective treatment for psychosis typically involves:


Antipsychotics and other prescribed medications.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and supportive therapy.


In severe cases, short-term hospitalisation may be necessary.

Community Support

Access to social services and support groups.

Our team collaborates to create a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to individual needs.

Self-Help Strategies and Lifestyle Changes

In addition to professional treatment, consider:

These strategies can aid in managing symptoms and improving overall well-being.

When to Seek Professional Help

Seek professional help if:

Early intervention is crucial for better outcomes and recovery.

Our Approach at Harley Mind Care

Harley Mind Care offers personalised and evidence-based treatments for psychosis. Our expert team works together to develop individualised treatment plans, ensuring comprehensive care in a supportive environment. We are committed to helping you manage psychosis and achieve mental stability and well-being.

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