Dr Harneet Hundal
Dr Harneet Hundal can help with:
Assessment, Treatment, Management, Mood
Disorders, Anxiety Disorders OCD, PTSD, Psychotic disorders, Personality disorder,
Neurodevelopmental conditions, Substance
misuse, Health inequalities, Expert witness,
Psychiatric reports.
Dr Harneet Hundal offers
Clinical assessments, management, health promotion, lifestyle medicine and well-being.
Dr Harneet Hundal is qualified to work with
Adult 18+, Couples, Families, Groups, Older Teenagers 17, UK clients
Dr Harneet Hundal Qualifications
- Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMedSci) (Nottingham) 1998
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (BMBS)(Nottingham) 2000
- Master of Science in Molecular Medicine (MSC)(University College London – UCL) 2003
- Master of Philosophy (MPhil)(University of Cambridge) 2004
- Member of Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych) 2008
- Fellow of Royal College of Psychiatrists (FRCPsych) 2023
- General Medical Council (GMC: Reg No 4713706)
- 1. Hundal, H. et al. The effects of cannabidiol on persecutory ideation and anxiety in a high trait paranoid group. J Psychopharmacology. 2018 Mar; 32(3): 276-282.
- 2. Howes, O.D., and Hundal H. Sex hormone augmentation as an adjunctive treatment in schizophrenia. J Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2009 Apr; 29(2): 195-196.
- 3. ADHDKnowledgehub.com - Free resource
Dr Harneet Hundal - Senior Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Harneet Hundal is a Senior Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist with 20 years
of experience in psychiatry, including 11 years at the consultant level in the National Health Service. She has ADHD herself and is a mother of a son diagnosed with ADHD. Dr. Hundal has extensive experience in various clinical settings, including secure inpatient services, prison, liaison and diversion, and community services. Her particular interest areas are forensic and community psychiatry.
Currently, she holds positions at Oxleas NHS FT, where she serves in leadership
roles such as Clinical Director for the Forensic Service, consultant lead for
Forensic Community Service and consultant lead for Liaison and Diversion
service. She is highly skilled in the assessment, treatment, and management of
mental health disorders, with expertise in mood disorders, anxiety disorders,
psychotic disorders, personality disorders, and neurodevelopmental conditions.
Dr. Hundal is dedicated to promoting health and well-being, particularly
addressing health inequalities faced by individuals with mental disorders. She
has led Quality Improvement projects to establish physical well-being clinics
and promote positive lifestyle choices. Additionally, she has experience as an
expert witness, providing psychiatric reports and oral evidence in legal