Harley Mind Care

ADHD in Women


ADHD in Women

ADHD in women manifests through persistent patterns of distraction, heightened activity levels, and hasty actions. This condition is often missed or misunderstood, leading to challenges that go unaddressed. At Harley Mind Care Psychiatrists, we place a high value on detailed assessments, ensuring that our interventions are specifically designed to meet the distinct needs of women. By doing so, we aim to provide supportive measures that not only address the symptoms but also empower women to navigate the complexities of ADHD with confidence.




Diagnosis Criteria


Similar Conditions




At Harley Mind Care Psychiatrists, we are committed to following the gold standard in line with UK guidelines when diagnosing ADHD in women. Our approach includes a thorough examination of symptoms to see if they align with the established diagnostic criteria for ADHD. For a diagnosis within our clinic, symptoms must have been consistent since childhood, significantly disrupt daily activities, and manifest in multiple life areas. Utilising the gold standard in our evaluations ensures that we provide the most accurate diagnoses and personalised care for women with ADHD, reflecting our dedication to excellence in mental health support.


At Harley Mind Care Psychiatrists, we are acutely aware that ADHD in women can manifest uniquely across different life phases, including during menopause. Considering the intricate interplay of sociological and psychological factors, we also focus on how hormonal changes during menopause can impact ADHD symptoms. This period can introduce or exacerbate challenges related to attention, organisation, impulsivity, and emotional regulation. Our approach is thoughtfully designed to address the specific experiences of women with ADHD, with an added emphasis on understanding the potential effects of menopause, ensuring our care is as comprehensive and personalised as possible.

Diagnosis Criteria

At Harley Mind Care Psychiatrists, we’re acutely aware of the gender disparities that can affect the diagnosis of ADHD, particularly how girls might not be identified as often as boys. This imbalance may arise from differences in how symptoms are displayed and the criteria used for diagnosis. Girls with ADHD often exhibit symptoms that are more introspective, such as being lost in thought or struggling with focus, which can contrast with the more outward-facing behaviors commonly seen in boys. Recognizing these discrepancies is vital, as they can result in delayed recognition or overlooked diagnoses. It underscores the value we place on providing assessments that are sensitive to these nuances and delivering prompt, customized care at Harley Mind Care.


At Harley Mind Care Psychiatrists, we’ve tailored our evaluation process to fully grasp the unique hurdles and experiences faced by women with ADHD. With a keen eye on factors specific to gender that might affect how symptoms appear, we perform thorough assessments to ensure accurate diagnoses and to craft personalised treatment strategies. Our dedication lies in recognising and addressing the specific needs of women with ADHD, promising care that is both bespoke and impactful at Harley Mind Care.

Similar Conditions

At Harley Mind Care Psychiatrists, we approach diagnosis with a detailed and careful methodology, recognising that certain conditions might mimic or coincide with ADHD symptoms. It’s essential for us to distinguish ADHD from similar conditions to ensure both the diagnosis and the treatment plan are as precise as possible. Conditions that often require differentiation include Anxiety Disorders, such as Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), Mood Disorders like Depression and Bipolar Disorder, and Learning Disabilities, including Dyslexia and Dyscalculia. Through this meticulous differentiation, we guarantee a thorough understanding and customised support for everyone at Harley Mind Care.


At Harley Mind Care Psychiatrists, we champion a customised treatment strategy for women with ADHD, emphasising the importance of a holistic approach. Our treatment plans are individually crafted, integrating psychoeducation, therapeutic interventions, and medication when appropriate. We place a strong emphasis on creating a supportive atmosphere, encouraging self-acceptance, and promoting inclusivity. Our goal is to nurture the overall well-being and achievement of women with ADHD within the Harley Mind Care community.


If you think you or a loved one might be experiencing ADHD, reaching out for professional guidance is a critical step. Our clinic specialises in detailed assessments and individualised treatment options to cater specifically to your needs. Additionally, for more resources and support, organisations such as CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) offer invaluable information tailored to women with ADHD.

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