Harley Mind Care



Some common questions about Consultations
and how we work.


Mental Health Professionals

  • Understanding Mental Health Professionals

    What is a Psychiatrist?

    A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specialises in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illnesses. Psychiatrists have completed medical school and additional training in psychiatry. They can prescribe medication, conduct physical examinations, and order lab tests.

    What Can Psychiatrists Do?

    • Diagnose mental health conditions.
    • Prescribe medications.
    • Provide psychotherapy (though not all do).
    • Conduct physical exams and order tests.

    What Psychiatrists Cannot Do:

    • Provide long-term psychotherapy sessions in the same depth as psychologists or psychotherapists, due to their primary focus on medical aspects.

    What is a Psychologist?

    A psychologist is a professional who studies the mind and behaviour. They often hold a doctoral degree (PhD or PsyD) in psychology. Psychologists are trained in psychological testing, assessment, and therapy.

    What Can Psychologists Do?

    • Conduct psychological assessments and tests.
    • Provide psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, etc.).
    • Develop treatment plans for mental health issues.
    • Conduct research and teach at academic institutions.

    What Psychologists Cannot Do:

    • Prescribe medication (except in a few jurisdictions with additional training and licensure).
    • Perform medical exams or order medical tests.

    What is a Psychotherapist?

    A psychotherapist is a general term for professionals trained to treat mental health issues through therapy. This term can include psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counsellors, and other trained professionals. The specific qualifications can vary widely.

    What Can Psychotherapists Do?

    • Provide various forms of psychotherapy (talk therapy, cognitive therapy, etc.).
    • Help clients understand and manage mental health conditions.
    • Work in various settings, including private practices, hospitals, and community centres.

    What Psychotherapists Cannot Do:

    • Prescribe medication (unless they are also psychiatrists).
    • Perform medical exams or order lab tests (unless they have additional medical training).

    Comparing Roles: What Each Can and Cannot Do

    Prescribing Medication:

    • Psychiatrists: Yes
    • Psychologists: No (except in special cases)
    • Psychotherapists: No

    Conducting Therapy:

    • Psychiatrists: Yes, but often limited
    • Psychologists: Yes, extensively
    • Psychotherapists: Yes, extensively

    Performing Medical Exams:

    • Psychiatrists: Yes
    • Psychologists: No
    • Psychotherapists: No

    Conducting Psychological Testing:

    • Psychiatrists: Sometimes
    • Psychologists: Yes
    • Psychotherapists: Sometimes (depending on qualifications)

    By understanding these distinctions, patients can make more informed decisions about which mental health professional may best suit their needs.


  • Can adults be diagnosed with ASD?

    Adults can be diagnosed with ASD. Although some individuals may receive a diagnosis in childhood, others may not be diagnosed until adulthood. However, it is never too late to seek evaluation and support for ASD, even in adulthood.

  • How Can We Support Children with Autism Through Puberty?

    Puberty can be particularly challenging for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) due to the significant physical, emotional, and social changes that occur. This table highlights common challenges and provides solutions to support children with ASD during this developmental stage.

    Puberty (Ages 11-15)

    No. Issue Solution
    1 Understanding and accepting physical changes Start discussions early using clear, simple language and visual aids.
    2 Increased sensory sensitivities Use sensory-friendly hygiene products and gradually introduce new routines.
    3 Mood swings and emotional changes Teach emotional literacy using tools like emotion charts and encourage stress-reduction techniques.
    4 Increased anxiety Provide consistent and repetitive information to build understanding and reduce anxiety.
    5 Social expectations and peer pressure Use role-playing to practice social interactions and encourage supportive peer interactions.
    6 Managing personal hygiene Establish visual schedules for hygiene routines and use sensory-friendly products.
    7 Understanding privacy and appropriate behaviour Teach the importance of privacy and appropriate behaviour in different social contexts.
    8 Need for emotional support Engage therapists and counselors specialising in ASD for additional support.
    9 Healthcare and medical concerns Work closely with healthcare providers to address medical concerns and ensure understanding of body changes.

    Strategies to Address Challenges

    No. Strategy Details
    1 Early Education Start discussions about puberty early, using clear and simple language. Visual aids and social stories can be particularly helpful.
    2 Consistent Information Provide consistent and repetitive information about what to expect. This can help reduce anxiety and build understanding over time.
    3 Sensory Accommodations Engage therapists and counsellors who specialise in ASD to provide additional support and strategies. Work closely with healthcare providers to address any medical concerns and to ensure the child understands changes to their body.
    4 Emotional Literacy Teach emotional literacy skills to help children recognise and name their emotions. Tools like emotion charts can be useful.
    5 Stress-Reduction Techniques Encourage stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or physical activity.
    6 Social Skills Training Use role-playing to practice social interactions and appropriate responses to social situations. Encourage interactions with understanding and supportive peers, perhaps through structured group activities.
    7 Routine and Structure Use visual schedules to establish and maintain hygiene routines. Keep routines as consistent as possible to provide a sense of security and predictability.
    8 Professional Support Engage therapists and counsellors specialising in ASD to provide additional support and strategies. Work closely with healthcare providers to address any medical concerns and to ensure the child understands changes to their body.

    By anticipating the challenges associated with puberty and implementing supportive strategies, caregivers and educators can help children with ASD navigate this developmental stage with greater ease and confidence.

  • How to know if I have ASD?

    Determining whether you have ASD typically involves comprehensive evaluation by healthcare professionals. Diagnosis involves assessing your behaviour, communication skills, and developmental history and may include standardised assessments and screenings.

  • Is there any medication For Autism Spectrum Disorder?

    Although there is no medication specifically for treating the symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), certain medications may be prescribed to manage associated symptoms or co-occurring conditions that commonly accompany ASD.

  • What are the Strengths and Positives Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is often discussed in terms of challenges and difficulties, but it’s important to recognise the unique strengths and positive attributes that individuals with ASD can possess. This table highlights these strengths and provides examples of how they can be beneficial.

    Strengths and Positives of ASD

    No. Strength/Positive Attribute Description and Benefits
    1 Attention to Detail Precision and Accuracy: Individuals with ASD often excel in tasks requiring precision and accuracy, such as data analysis, programming, and quality control.
    2 Strong Focus and Concentration Intense Focus: Many individuals can concentrate intensely on tasks or interests for extended periods, leading to deep expertise and high productivity.
    3 Honesty and Integrity Direct Communication: People with ASD are often very honest and straightforward, which can be refreshing and valuable in personal and professional relationships.
    4 Unique Perspectives and Creativity Innovative Thinking: The unique way individuals with ASD perceive the world can lead to creative and innovative solutions to problems.
    5 Strong Memory Excellent Recall: Many individuals have exceptional memory skills, especially for facts, figures, and details, beneficial in academic and professional settings.
    6 Passion and Expertise Deep Knowledge: When individuals with ASD develop an interest, they often pursue it with great passion, becoming highly knowledgeable and skilled in that area.
    7 Loyalty and Reliability Dependable: Individuals with ASD often exhibit strong loyalty and reliability, making them dependable friends, family members, and colleagues.
    8 Pattern Recognition Analytical Skills: Many people with ASD have a natural ability to recognise patterns and identify anomalies, which is advantageous in fields such as mathematics, science, engineering, and computer programming.
    9 Rule Adherence Following Guidelines: A strong adherence to rules and guidelines can be beneficial in environments where compliance and consistency are crucial.
    10 Non-Judgmental Nature Acceptance: Individuals with ASD often accept others without judgment, valuing people for who they are rather than conforming to social stereotypes or expectations.
    11 Commitment to Routine Stability and Predictability: A commitment to routine can provide stability and predictability in various settings, including work and personal life.

    By focusing on these strengths, society can better appreciate the valuable contributions that individuals with ASD can make. Encouraging environments that support and nurture these positive attributes can help individuals with ASD thrive and reach their full potential.

  • What support services are available for individuals with ASD and their families?

    Various support services are available for individuals with ASD and their families, including support groups, counselling, educational resources, advocacy organisations, respite care services, and programs for vocational and independent living skills.

  • Why is it Important to Assess Key Events in a Child's Life?

    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects communication, behaviour, and social interactions. Each child with ASD experiences unique challenges, particularly during key transitions like moving to a new school. This FAQ table highlights common issues and provides solutions to help parents and caregivers support their children through these milestones.

    Early Childhood (Ages 3-5)

    No. Issue Solution
    1 Difficulty with verbal and non-verbal communication Introduce visual aids and use simple, clear language.
    2 Challenges in forming peer relationships Arrange playdates with small, familiar groups.
    3 Resistance to changes in routine Create a visual schedule and prepare for transitions in advance.

    Primary School (Ages 6-11)

    No. Issue Solution
    4 Struggle with academic expectations Provide tailored learning plans and use assistive technology.
    5 Difficulty understanding social cues Implement social skills training and role-playing exercises.
    6 Intense interest in specific topics Integrate interests into learning activities to keep engaged.

    Transition to Secondary School (Ages 12-14)

    No. Issue Solution
    7 Overwhelmed by the larger school environment Arrange pre-term visits to the new school for familiarisation.
    8 Increased social dynamics and peer pressure Set up peer support groups and a buddy system.
    9 Higher academic workload Teach time management skills and use visual planners.

    Adolescence (Ages 15-18)

    No. Issue Solution
    10 Managing independence Gradually introduce life skills training and self-advocacy.
    11 Preparing for post-secondary education or work Provide career counselling and explore internship opportunities.
    12 Navigating complex social relationships Continue social skills training and offer counselling support.

    Key Event: Moving to a New School

    No. Issue Solution
    13 Anxiety about new routines and environments Familiarise yourself with the new school layout and staff before the term starts.
    14 Familiarise yourself with the new school layout and staff before the term starts. Develop a personalised daily schedule and stick to it.
    15 Need for clear communication with teachers and staff Schedule regular meetings with teachers and a designated support person.

    Key Event: Changes in Family Dynamics (e.g., Divorce, New Sibling)

    No. Issue Solution
    16 Emotional distress from changes Offer emotional support through counselling and open communication.
    17 Adjusting to new family routines Maintain as much consistency as possible and use visual schedules.
    18 Understanding and expressing feelings Teach emotion recognition and coping strategies.

    Additional Considerations

    No. Issue Solution
    19 Sensory sensitivities Create a sensory-friendly environment and use calming tools.
    20 Difficulty with transitions between activities Provide clear warnings before transitions and use transition aids.


    Supporting children with ASD through various life transitions requires understanding their unique needs and implementing structured, personalised strategies. At Harley's Mind Care, we are committed to helping each child thrive through comprehensive support and tailored solutions.

Repeat Prescriptions

  • How can I order a repeat prescription?

    To ensure a seamless continuation of your treatment, please request any new prescription at least 7 days before your current medication supply runs out. This process ensures that the pharmacy has adequate time to dispense your medication, preventing any gaps in your treatment.

    No Description
    1 Please visit our website at www.harleymindcare.com
    2 Select Book an Appointment.
    3 Choose Repeat Prescription.
    4 Select Repeat Prescription Admin Fee.
    5 Click Next.
    6 Appointment emails and SMS will be received more often as proof that the prescription has been ordered than for the appointment.
    7 Complete the payment process.
    8 Choose to Repeat Prescription.

    You will not need to attend this Appointment.

    For repeat prescriptions, our practice manager collaborates directly with your doctor on your behalf to ensure your needs are met efficiently. This streamlined process is designed to provide you with continuity in your treatment, helping you manage your health without interruption.

  • How long before the Pharmacy gets the repeat prescription?

    • Typically, your repeat prescription request is processed within two working days by our Clinic. Our doctors review and authorise each prescription unless you’ve been approved for a longer duration (e.g., six months).
    • Once approved, we promptly send the repeat prescription to your chosen pharmacy for dispensing.

  • What are medication benefits and risks?

    Access detailed and easy-to-read leaflets, translated versions, and charts comparing medication benefits and risks, by clicking here

  • When should I reorder my medication?

    • It’s best to reorder seven days in advance. However, if you prefer home delivery, please place your order 7 days before. If you collect from a local pharmacy, it usually takes around 3 days.

  • Will I need to attend a repeat prescription virtual appointment?

    You will not need to attend this Appointment.

    For repeat prescriptions, our practice manager collaborates directly with your doctor on your behalf to ensure your needs are met efficiently. This streamlined process is designed to provide you with continuity in your treatment, helping you manage your health without interruption.

General Psychiatric Assessment

  • How do I book a General Psychiatric Consultation?

    No Description
    1 Please visit our website at www.harleymindcare.com
    2 Select Book an Appointment.
    3 Choose General Psychiatry Consultation.
    4 Select Adult Psychiatric General Assessment – Virtual.
    5 Click Next.
    6 Choose a Dr from the list of available doctors.
    7 Select a date and time that works for you.
    8 Complete the payment process.

  • What can I expect after my assessment?

    No Description
    1 If medication is indicated, your prescription will be dispatched to an online pharmacy. Rest assured that our clinic has no financial incentives tied to your medication purchases.
    2 You’ll schedule follow-up virtual meetings as agreed upon with your psychiatrist.
    3 Feel free to message your provider whenever needed.

    Once you have subscribed to our secure portal at Harley Mind Care, you will have access for life. We will provide the following services.

    No Type Patient Portal Lifetime benefits
    1 Patient Portal You will have access to view and upload documents, billing activity, reports, and Educational resources (see below)
    2 Automated Reminders We will send out automated reminders for appointments, questionnaires, and 6-monthly reviews.
    3 Educational Resources We will upload educational videos on managing ADHD and pamphlets to assist you in things like monitoring your blood pressure and other health-related matters.
    4 Communications Portal, Email, Telephone, WhatsApp, Telegram and Messenger.

  • What happens during a General Psychiatric assessment?

    No Description
    1 During a psychiatric assessment, a qualified Senior Consultant Psychiatrist will attentively listen to your symptoms, assess your mental health, and discuss your concerns.
    2 They may ask about your medical history, family background, and any relevant life events.
    3 Based on this assessment, they will provide a diagnosis and recommend a treatment plan, which will include a first prescription for medication if required.

  • What treatment options are available?

    Treatment options vary based on individual needs but may include:

    No Description
    1 Medication: Psychiatrists may prescribe medications such as antidepressants, mood stabilisers, or antipsychotics.
    2 Psychotherapy: Therapies like cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), interpersonal therapy (IPT), or psychodynamic therapy.
    3 Lifestyle Changes: Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and sufficient sleep play a crucial role in managing symptoms.


  • Do GPs reject NHS Shared Care Agreements from private clinics?

    No Description
    1 Many GPs currently show hesitancy in accepting shared care agreements, even those involving patients referred under the NHS Right to Choose scheme. This often highlights a disparity in accepting follow-up and aftercare arrangements between private entities' physical and mental health services.
    2 I would advise anyone considering private assessments to discuss these possibilities with their GP beforehand. This ensures that you are fully informed about potential outcomes regarding shared care arrangements.
    3 Many GPs currently show hesitancy in accepting shared care agreements, even those involving patients referred under the NHS Right to Choose scheme. This often highlights a disparity in accepting follow-up and aftercare arrangements between private entities' physical and mental health services.

  • How do I book a Child/Adolescent ADHD Virtual Consultation?

    No Description
    1 Please visit our website at www.harleymindcare.com
    2 Select Book an Appointment.
    3 Choose ADHD Consultation.
    4 Select Child/Adolescent ADHD Assessment – Virtual.
    5 Click Next.
    6 Choose a Dr from the list of available doctors.
    7 Select a date and time that works for you.
    8 Complete the payment process.

  • How do I book an Adult ADHD Virtual Consultation?

    No Description
    1 Please visit our website at www.harleymindcare.com
    2 Select Book an Appointment.
    3 Choose ADHD & Autism Consultation.
    4 Select Adult ADHD Assessment – Virtual.
    5 Click Next.
    6 Choose a Dr from the list of available doctors.
    7 Select a date and time that works for you.
    8 Complete the payment process.

  • What are the ADHD Pre-appointment Requirements?

    Requirements for Adult ADHD Assessment

    No Requirement Brief Description
    1 Blood Pressure, Pulse Weight and Height Form

    Records vital statistics of the patient.

    2 ADHD Self-Report Scale Symptom Checklist

    A self-assessment tool for ADHD symptoms.

    3 Adult ADHD Informant Report

    A report filled by someone who knew the patient before they were 12.

    4 ADHD Cardiac Health Questions

    Assesses the cardiac health of the patient.

    5 Wender Utah Rating Scale for ADHD

    A psychological test that assesses ADHD symptoms.

    6 ADHD Self-Report Scale

    Another self-assessment tool for ADHD symptoms.

    7 PHQ9 and GAD7

    Standardised self-report scales for identifying depression and anxiety.
    8 Upload the patient's ID and proof of address from the last 3 months. Verifies the identity and current address of the patient.

    Requirements for Child/Adolescent ADHD Assessment

    No Requirement Description
    1 Blood Pressure, Pulse Weight and Height Form Records vital statistics of the patient.
    2 Conners 4 - Parent Form Response This is completed online by a teacher who knows the patient.
    3 Conners 4 - Teacher Form Response This is completed online by a teacher who knows the patient.
    4 Conners 4 - Self-Report Form Response This is completed online by the patient.
    5 Childhood Behaviour Scale - Self-Report A self-assessment tool.
    6 Upload the ID of the parent/guardian and Proof of Address in the last 3 months Verifies the identity and current address of the patient's parent/guardian.
    7 Upload the ID of the Patient. Verifies the identity of the patient.

  • What are the pros and cons of private Care over NHS Pathways for ADHD Assessment?

    Private care offers several advantages over NHS pathways for ADHD Assessments. These include quicker diagnosis and treatment, more scheduling flexibility, and personalised care options. However, the initial costs of private care are higher, and NHS coverage may vary depending on GP cooperation.

    One of the significant challenges with NHS pathways is the long waiting times for ADHD assessments. As per a report from October 20231, there are significant variations in waiting times across the country. For children, the waiting time varies from 5 weeks to a devastating 5 years. For adults, the variation is equally stark – it varies from 12 weeks to over 10 years1.

  • What are the pros and cons of Virtual vs. In-Person Consultations?

    Consultation Type Pros Cons
    Virtual Consultations Convenience: Can be done from the comfort of your home.
    Efficiency: Ideal for initial assessments and follow-ups.
    Limited Scope: Connection problems, software glitches, or hardware failures can disrupt or even prevent virtual meetings, causing frustration and delays.
    In-Person Consultations Comprehensive: Allows for a thorough evaluation.
    Personalised: Can be tailored to your preferences.
    Less Convenient: Requires travel and scheduling time.
    Both methods have their unique advantages and can be chosen based on individual needs and circumstances.

  • What is an ADHD Medication Review?

    An ADHD Medication Review is a comprehensive process to evaluate and optimise your current ADHD treatment plan. Whether you or your child are new to our clinic or transitioning care from another provider, this review ensures that medication and treatment align with your current needs and health goals.

    Here are the key aspects of our ADHD Medication Review process:

    1. Process of Transfer of Care:

      • We will need the original diagnostic report and any existing medical records from your current healthcare provider, including any records from your GP.
      • After reviewing these documents, a virtual assessment with one of our psychiatrists will be scheduled.
      • During this assessment, we will evaluate your current treatment plan, including the medication you are using, and determine whether any adjustments are necessary, depending on availability and suitability.

    2. Costs:

      • The ADHD medication review, including the first prescription, costs £300.
      • We partner with CloudRx, a pharmacy that provides real-time updates on available medications, especially amid the current global shortage of ADHD medication.
      • Please note that Harley Mind Care has no financial interest in any medication purchased through CloudRx.

    3. Timeline:

      • We understand that ADHD treatment is time-sensitive. Once we receive the necessary medical reports, we can schedule an appointment as soon as possible to prevent delays in care.

    4. Next Steps:

      • To book an appointment for an ADHD medication review, visit our website at www.harleymindcare.com and follow these steps:

        • Select "Book an Appointment."
        • Choose "ADHD & Autism Consultation."
        • Select "Adult Medication Assessment – Virtual."
        • Pick a convenient date and time with one of our psychiatrists.
        • Complete the payment process online.

    If you have any questions or need further assistance with booking, please feel free to contact us. We are here to support you and ensure your ADHD treatment continues smoothly.

  • What is the overall cost of a Virtual Adult ADHD Assessment?

    No Description Cost Time
    1 A virtual Adult ADHD assessment

    1. This includes a full report, including diagnosis and treatment plan.

    2. The first free medication prescription.

    3. A free Shared Care Agreement with your GP (if required).

    £750 60-90 Mins
    2 Following diagnosis, medication titration involves follow-up consultations costing.

    £150 per 15-minute session.

    Titration can last between 8 and 12 weeks and potentially require multiple visits,

    depending on your response. to the medication. Our goal is to complete this

    process as quickly and safely as possible.

    £150 15 Mins
    3 ADHD medication, being a controlled substance, requires a monthly prescription.

    If the patient isn’t transferred to the NHS under a shared care agreement, there

    will be an approximate monthly cost of £45 per repeat prescription.


    per month

    4 According to the NICE guidelines, the treatment response for all ADHD drugs

    should be reviewed every 6 months at £300 per 30-minute session.

    (This review includes a comprehensive assessment of clinical needs, benefits,

    and side effects, taking into account the views of the patient and carers,

    the effect of missed doses, planned dose reductions, and brief periods of no treatment.)


    every 6 Months

    30 mins

    Once you have subscribed to our secure portal at Harley Mind Care, you will have access for life. We will provide the following services.

    No Type Patient Portal Lifetime benefits
    1 Patient Portal You will have access to view and upload documents, billing activity, reports, and

    Educational resources (see below)

    2 Automated Reminders We will send out automated reminders for appointments, questionnaires, and

    6-monthly reviews.

    3 Educational Resources We will upload educational videos on managing ADHD and pamphlets to assist

    you in things like monitoring your blood pressure and other health-related matters.

    4 Communications Portal, Email, Telephone, WhatsApp, Telegram and Messenger.

  • What is the overall cost of a Virtual Child/Adolescent ADHD Assessment?

    No Description Cost Time
    1 A virtual Child/Adolescent ADHD assessment

    1. This includes a full report, including diagnosis and treatment plan.

    2. The first free medication prescription.

    3. A free Shared Care Agreement with your GP (if required).

    £1,245 60-90 Mins
    2 Following diagnosis, medication titration involves follow-up consultations costing.

    £150 - £325 per 15-minute session.

    Titration can last between 8 and 12 weeks and potentially require multiple visits,

    depending on your response. to the medication. Our goal is to complete this

    process as quickly and safely as possible.

    £150 - £325 15 Mins
    3 ADHD medication, being a controlled substance, requires a monthly prescription.

    If the patient isn’t transferred to the NHS under a shared care agreement, there

    will be an approximate monthly cost of £45 per repeat prescription.


    per month

    4 According to the NICE guidelines, the treatment response for all ADHD drugs

    should be reviewed every 6 months at £590 per 30-minute session.

    (This review includes a comprehensive assessment of clinical needs, benefits,

    and side effects, taking into account the views of the patient and carers,

    the effect of missed doses, planned dose reductions, and brief periods of no treatment.)


    every 6 Months

    30 mins

    Once you have subscribed to our secure portal at Harley Mind Care, you will have access for life. We will provide the following services.

    No Type Patient Portal Lifetime benefits
    1 Patient Portal You will have access to view and upload documents, billing activity, reports, and

    Educational resources (see below)

    2 Automated Reminders We will send out automated reminders for appointments, questionnaires, and

    6-monthly reviews.

    3 Educational Resources We will upload educational videos on managing ADHD and pamphlets to assist

    you in things like monitoring your blood pressure and other health-related matters.

    4 Communications Portal, Email, Telephone, WhatsApp, Telegram and Messenger.

  • What to expect when trying new controlled drugs for ADHD - Medication Titration?

    Medication Titration: Understanding the Process

    No Description
    1 Medication titration for ADHD is a personalised process designed to identify the most effective medication and dosage for each individual. This process begins once a treatment plan has been agreed upon. When starting on new controlled drugs for ADHD, the medication titration process is crucial.
    2 The titration period is characterised by a series of regular, brief follow-ups with your Consultant Psychiatrist. These follow-ups allow for the monitoring and evaluation of the individual’s response to the treatment.
    3 Titration involves gradually adjusting the dosage of the medication to find the most effective dose with the fewest side effects. This process requires close monitoring and communication with your Consultant Psychiatrist.
    4 Given the unique nature of each individual’s response to medication, it’s challenging to predict the exact number of follow-ups required. Typically, this process involves between 3 to 5 follow-ups, but this can vary based on the individual’s response.
    5 Titration can last between 8 and 12 weeks and potentially require multiple visits, depending on your response. to the medication. Our goal is to complete this process as quickly and safely as possible.
    6 It’s important to note that General Practitioners (GPs) often review the frequency and number of these follow-ups before accepting a Shared Care Proposal. If they find the titration process unsatisfactory, they have the right to decline to take over the care on the NHS.

    Initial Dosage and Adjustment:

    No Description
    1 It’s important to note that when medication is started, sometimes the dosage could be too low to have an effect. It is crucial to let the doctor know as soon as possible - perhaps after 3 or 4 days. This will allow for timely adjustments and ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.
    2 Many patients report feeling a sense of clarity and improved organisational skills once the medication reaches an optimal level.

    Target Symptoms of ADHD Medications

    ADHD medications aim to improve several core symptoms:

    No Type Description
    1 Inattention You may notice an increase in your ability to focus, concentrate, and complete tasks.
    2 Hyperactivity  There might be a reduction in excessive movements and fidgeting.
    3 Impulsivity You could experience better control over your actions, emotions and a decrease in impulsive behaviours.

    Potential Side Effects and What to Watch For

    While ADHD medications can be highly effective, they can also cause side effects. It's important to be aware of these and report them to your Consultant Psychiatrist

    Common Side Effects

    No Description
    1 Appetite loss
    2 Insomnia
    3 Dry mouth
    4 Headaches
    5 Stomach-aches

    Less Common, but Serious Side Effects

    No Description
    1 Increased heart rate or blood pressure
    2 Mood changes, including increased irritability, anger or nervousness
    3 Small increase risk of psychosis & or tics

    Monitoring Emotional Changes

    It's important to monitor for any changes in mood or behaviour, especially during the initial titration period. Some patients may experience an increase in anger or irritability. Loved ones should be aware of this possibility and provide support and understanding during this time.

    Tips for Managing Side Effects

    No Description Action
    1 Appetite loss Eat smaller, more frequent meals, and opt for nutrient-dense foods.
    2 Insomnia Maintain a consistent sleep routine, avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening, take your ADHD medication early in the morning so that it wears off by the evening and create a relaxing bedtime environment.
    3 Dry mouth Drink plenty of water, chew sugar-free gum, or use over-the-counter saliva substitutes.
    4 Headaches Ensure proper hydration, take breaks from screens, and use over-the-counter pain relievers if needed (after consulting with your Consultant Psychiatrist).
    5 Stomach-aches Take medication with food and avoid spicy or greasy foods.

    Requesting a New Prescription

    No Description
    1 To ensure a seamless continuation of your treatment, please request any new prescription at least 7 days before your current medication supply runs out. This time frame allows your Doctor to thoroughly review your current treatment's effectiveness, discuss any necessary adjustments or alternative options, and then issue and send the new prescription. This process ensures that the pharmacy has adequate time to dispense your medication, preventing any gaps in your treatment.

    Communicating with Your Consultant Psychiatrist

    Regular follow-up appointments are essential during the titration process. Keep a journal of your symptoms, side effects, and any changes in behaviour. Share this information with your healthcare provider to help them adjust your dosage effectively. 

    Support from Loved Ones 

    Inform your family and close friends about the potential for mood changes, such as increased irritability or anger. Their understanding and support can be invaluable during this period. Encourage them to be patient and provide a calm, supportive environment.

    Final Thoughts

    Starting new controlled drugs for ADHD can be a transformative experience, leading to significant improvements in attention, focus, and overall functioning. However, the titration process requires careful monitoring and communication with your Psychiatrist. By understanding potential side effects and seeking support from loved ones, you can navigate this period more smoothly and achieve the best possible outcome.

    If you have any concerns, contact your Psychiatrist.

    If you experience severe side effects or a rash, contact emergency services immediately and stop your medication. Your safety and well-being are the top priorities. Your Psychiatrist can explore other alternatives with you.

  • Who supplies the Medication?

    Our clinic issues prescriptions, which are filled by external pharmacies. Each order incurs a separate charge from the pharmacy, providing you with the most effective and current medications. Rest assured that our clinic has no financial incentives tied to your medication purchases.

  • Why can Psychologists define ADHD but cannot prescribe medication?

    • While psychologists are experts in diagnosing mental health conditions like ADHD, they are not medical doctors. Therefore, they cannot prescribe medication.
    • Psychiatrists are medical doctors who can prescribe medication. If a psychologist diagnoses you with ADHD, you will need an assessment by a psychiatrist to discuss medication options.
    • The NHS shared care agreement requires a psychiatrist’s report to continue medication. This ensures that your treatment is monitored and adjusted as necessary by a medical Doctor.

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